

This is a plugin that I developed as a twist to single page website designs and a variation on one of my other projects — Vertical Pagination. Most of the heavy lifting is done by jQuery but I am planning to replace certain functions with modern CSS (such as the Flexbox) in the future. xyPanels also operates “outside” the layout and can be used with “inside” front end frameworks such as Bootstrap.

Explore Purple Hues


The following would go in the <head>

<script src="//code.jquery.com/jquery-1.11.3.min.js"></script>
<script src="js/xypanels.js"></script>
<link href="css/xypanels.css" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" />
<script>$(document).ready(function() { panels(); });</script>

3 vertical (y-axis) panels inside of the page wrapper <div>

<div class="page-wrapper">
<section class="panel-wrapper y-axis" id="unique-id-a">
<article class="panel-content">
<section class="panel-wrapper y-axis" id="unique-id-b">
<article class="panel-content">
<section class="panel-wrapper y-axis" id="unique-id-c">
<article class="panel-content">

Add a horizontal row of (x-axis) panels inside of a vertical panel

<section class="panel-wrapper y-axis panel-row" id="unique-id-b">
<section class="panel-wrapper x-axis" id="unique-id-b1">
<article class="panel-content">
<section class="panel-wrapper x-axis" id="unique-id-b2">
<article class="panel-content">
<section class="panel-wrapper x-axis" id="unique-id-b3">
<article class="panel-content">

Make sure to add the "panel-row" class to the parent panel

Explore Green Hues

Explore Earthy Hues

Carlos Ruiz